
Sick Cousin

Posted by Anonymous

My baby cousin has a bad rash and does not feel well.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Teri

Please pray for Running Bear who is only 9 years old and just had brain surgery.   Samantha has a high risk pregnancy and is on bed rest in the hospital. Please pray for her and her baby.
Linda is having seizures. Please pray for healing.  Melinda has terminal cancer. Pray for comfort and peace.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Brenda

Please pray for Ernest and his parents. They do not know Jesus.

I’m Praying for This

My Prayer

Posted by Brandi

Please pray for travel mercies, prosperity, protection, good health, healing, and joy for my husband & for me and my kids, & our loved ones, all of the time. Let us sleep well, rest and be energized, protect us and our company, driving and pets, lives, etc, let only Godly people around us, block every evil, lead us not into temptation, psalm 91 on us all , in Jesus Name we pray Amen. All Glory to God. Thank You Jesus.

I’m Praying for This

Fighting Depression

Posted by Jordan

I’m going through a really tough time fighting depression right now. I love the KLRC app, it keeps me going throughout the day when I can’t keep myself going. When you play "Rescue" it gives me hope.

I’m Praying for This

Friend Grieving

Posted by Charlotte

My friend Jessica lost her mom to leukemia a year ago on Monday, July 29th. Jess is 21 and struggles with a nervous system disorder, yet still goes to school full time and works two part time jobs. She is a fighter, but she is struggling with the anniversary of her mother’s death.

Lord, I pray that your army will find her in this storm as she struggles with her anger with You and her daily reminder that her mother, caretaker, and best friend is not here to assist her in this life. Help me, Lord, continue to show her your love. Give me the words to speak to her so that she might turn to you again.

I’m Praying for This

Looking for a Job

Posted by Anonymous

Mark has been unemployed for well over a year and has been trying to help his wife receive necessary medical care. He has a lot of experience in environmental services for hospitals and says he loves to work, and he needs to in order to keep the utilities paid. He's very appreciative of all prayer support. Thank you!

I’m Praying for This

Conflict Resolution

Posted by Anonymous

I am fervently praying for a peaceful resolution to a conflict. I truly covet your prayers for two individuals who were involved in a physical altercation today. Please pray for their imminent salvation and their spiritual growth. By God's grace, please pray they resolve their differences amicably, rather than hurtfully or tragically. Thank you!

I’m Praying for This

Need for Surrender

Posted by Josh

For the past five years I've struggled with depression. I am trying very hard to surrender my heart to the Lord and finding it difficult to give up old tendencies. I could use prayer.

I’m Praying for This

Sister and Niece

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my sister and my niece as they are staunch unbelievers. I can't be any more specific, but God knows exactly who we are. Thank you so much!

I’m Praying for This

Prayer for Former Student

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for a former student of mine who I fear is not making godly decisions in regards to alcohol. She graduated a couple months ago and my wife and I are worried that she is falling into the party scene. Please pray that she is making godly decisions and that we hear from her. We are worried about her and would like for her to contact us.

I’m Praying for This

Prayer for Our Dog

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for our dog, Angel. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer and has three to six months left to live.  Update: Angel,she had got worse yesterday morning where she couldn’t stand up, We felt it was the best thing to do for her to have her put to sleep. We are heartbroken, there will never be another Angel

I’m Praying for This

Friend is Sick and Lost Her Husband

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my friend Lynne. She lost her husband of 40 years; he just passed away from liver cancer. She is mourning her husband and has her own health issues. She has little friends as they have been home-bound for a while. Thanks!

I’m Praying for This

Disability Approval

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my Social Security Disability to be approved. They are currently making decisions and I should hear from them this month. I have many medical issues that make it hard to do simple things like dressing and bathing. Please pray that I get approved so I can get my own place.

I’m Praying for This

Several Needs

Posted by Anonymous

Lord God forgive me. There is repentance, continue to do a work in me. Holy Spirit be with me. Surround me with angels Lord God and help me survive. 

Secure my room rental until I find a place to live permanently.

My new job, I begin tomorrow on the floor, give me the victory, meet all goals, all to go well day and every day there. Learn and absorb quickly and surpass my job description and productivity. May they move me to a full time position. Work through me as an instrument there, bless, prosper, growth and renew that business.

Second job to make up for hours from this first. A call back from prior with the victory won there and resolution; or if not Your will help me in finding a second job.

Clear, adjust, correct debt they said that is owed to gov that is not correct.  Meet my financial needs, rent, basic things, including my school loans monthly, somehow, even though funds are tight with this new job and have to wait on a paycheck get my bills pay, the basics and school.

School to go well, learn and absorb all material this second year in this program. Then pass State exam in October successfully.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Johnny

I need a good job that I can hopefully still be able to work.  I am working part time there right now. Thank you and God Bless.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Diane

My husband of five years is 66 years of age and was diagnosed with prostate cancer when he was 50. He had surgery, but they didn’t get clean margins. Two years ago, we learned it had metastasized into his tail bone.  We have been a part of a drug trial program and have seen wonderful results! The problem is that our medical bills are over our head. We cannot make enough money to catch up with all the bone scans, MRI’s etc.  Please ask the Lord to pour out a financial blessing on us.   We are so thankful his health is better but the dark cloud of medical bills and now collection agencies is depressing my husband so much. Thank you ahead of time! I believe in miracles!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by KateLynn

My grandma has Cancer and has been getting worse and she is trying to have faith in God but is really struggling.  Please pray that her faith grow as she gets worse.
Thank you

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Rosella

I would like to quit my full time job and keep my grandson. Also,be able to spend more time with my mother. In a world that seems to be out of control, I would to be that positive influence for my family. Thank you

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Pray for the marriages, Satan is attacking them relentlessly.  

I’m Praying for This


Posted by David

My wife of 40 years passed away 4 weeks ago today. I’m struggling bad and missing Elizabeth. I’ve known her 47 years.  I just need extra prayers. 

I’m Praying for This

Driver's Licence & Car

Posted by Kristy

I am about to get my drivers license. I've been taking classes classes and time off work. It's been very time consuming and stressful. Please pray that I can have confidence to learn to drive, pass all lessonto obtain my license. Please pray that I can find a car. It's been really hard doing those things for some reason. I also have a test at the end of the classroom portion I need to pass and do well on on Monday. Keep praying about my job stress/ bad mood. I know God will provide. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This

Hard time/ Health/ Unemployment

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my family. We are walking through some health concerns right now for both my husband and I. My husband is recently unemployed and I cannot afford all the bills on my own. He is looking for work. Our marriage is on the rocks right now. We have two little ones and one on the way. We are having a hard time coping.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Trusting God for healing and favorable outcome for Matthew. Pray to save his knee/leg and the best God has to offer, Amen {Exodus 14:14}

I’m Praying for This

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