
Daughter Confused

Posted by Anonymous

My daughter is confused about her gender.  My husband and I are praying for her and her partner to find the Lord and let their story be His story. We love her so much.

I’m Praying for This

Children & Heath

Posted by Elizabeth

Please pray for my grown children to let God be number one in their lives and please pray for my health condition.  

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Darla

My Dad was diagnosed with colon cancer and has surgery August 21st. He is 88 and has additional health risk. He is a Christian and has a peace about God’s will, however, I am asking for prayer for my family and I as we go through this with him.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by DJ

My mom has breast cancer, and I would like some prayers for her.   Also, my grandpa has cancer, my dad and I would love for some prayers for him.  Pray that God shows up in his life and that he can see and will follow him.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My husband has had a history of addiction. After a year sober he started drinking which caused him to go back to using meth which he hasn't done in almost 30 years. Now I have no idea where he is or what he is doing. Please pray he finds his way to help before he ends up hurting himself or someone else.

I’m Praying for This

Freedom from Seizures

Posted by Kristen

My sister's heart suffers from debilitating seizures due to a clot in her head that is virtually non operational. She has up to 5 or 10 grand mal seizures weekly with small focal ones in between. She is currently in the hospital again after a bad seizure yesterday where her airway was closing. Please pray for her health and that God heals her health and soul. Thank you

I’m Praying for This

Daughter with Aspergers

Posted by Anonymous

I have a 22 year old daughter with Aspergers Autism who wants a job but is struggling with jobs that aren’t suitable for her personality. Please pray that she finds a job that will be understanding of her disability but be able to grow as a person and gain more independence. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This

Son and Grandson

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my son and grandson, they both need Jesus and please pray God will pursue them. My son has walked away from his faith and my grandson is sitting on the fence. He wants to follow Jesus but is afraid. Please pray for them that they will choose to follow Jesus.

I’m Praying for This

Next Part of my Journey

Posted by Lezlie

It has been 3 years since my husband died, God has helped me so much, surrounded me with amazing friends and family to help me each step of the way, I am now ready to find another mate, please pray for God to send a man into my life that I can love well and will love me well. Pray He will give me peace as I step into this next part of my journey and help hear His voice above all.

I’m Praying for This

Struggling Child

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for our pre-teen son who is struggling with middle school, friendships, following the world (rather than God), and trauma issues from his past. Please pray for God to pursue him in a way that can't be denied, and for us to have wisdom as we navigate these hard times with him.

I’m Praying for This

Divorce & Custody

Posted by Rachel

Please pray for my children and I as we are being saddened by a divorce that my husband filed for last October. It's been very hard on all of us, worse thing is he is trying to get full custody of my children. My children are my everything. They are the greatest gifts God has given me and to lose them would just put me into eternal sadness.  I don't even know why after 12 years of marriage he wants to destroy everything. Please pray also that God helps me to find an affordable divorce lawyer. Thank you and God Bless.

I’m Praying for This

Specific Prayers

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for Molly as she refuses to come home. Please pray for my father who is in a court hearing right now.
Please pray for my co-parents who have not made healthy decisions for our children.
Please pray for my husband who is walking with me through all of these things and has added stress from work.
Please pray for God’s will in our lives.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Lindsey And Sean

Please can I have prayers for my husband and I to start a family of our own this year. We haven’t ever conceived and I am so grateful for the prayers to bring a baby into our home. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please be in prayer with me for my brother and his family. Praying they seek and surrender to Jesus. They have split up and have a 2 year little girl. Praying for the best interest of this sweet little girl and restoration for this family. Words hurt, feelings get hurt praying for Gods will.

I’m Praying for This

My Rollercoaster

Posted by Anonymous

I am a 37 yr old mother of four children.  I have been with my husband for 14 years. In August 2017, my husband suffered a heart attack. Little did we know, this was the start of a very perilous journey for us. That wasn't the end of it at all like we thought it was. It was just the start. He went thru the next year battling depression after he lost his job because he wasn't able to keep up with the work load like he used to before the heart attack. That spurred the depression into overtime at that point. He has since then been diagnosed with a rare arterial condition amongst men called SCAC which stands for Spontaneous Coronary Arterial Dissection. It basically means that his artery walls rip and tear all of the time for no reason at all. He has since then suffered numerous seizures as well as 1 other diagnosed heart attack in April of this year (2019) but he has said several times that he's sure he has had more in between those 2.
I am a preacher's daughter born and raised. My father was a preacher/ pastor and evangelist during my years growing up so I know who my Lord is and I know the power of prayer. I also know what the enemy can do and that he fights us all of the time. My father passed away in 2003 still having that unmovable faith. And I try to keep that as well but I am growing weary. The past almost 3 years has been so very difficult on our children but I think even more so to a point on myself as his wife. I wake up and go to work at a job where I am actually being demoted because I have had to miss so much work because of my husband's medical issues. No one understands that I have to fight fear everyday .. fear that my husband is going to have another seizure while he is at home with our 3 yr old son and no one will be there to help him and there is no guarantee that he will come out of it. Or the fear that he may not wake up. He doesn't eat much and has lost over 60 pounds this year since January. He doesn't sleep hardly at all either. He just cannot work at all. We are so far behind on our bills and I have utilized every organization I can find for help with rent and utilities.
I guess I just need some extra help praying for that financial miracle that we so desperately need right now. I don't want to lose the only home we have and we are in serious risk of that due to our back rent that we owe. Also for strength so I can stay strong and keep pushing forward.
You all are a blessing to so many people in my area not to mention me so thank you for all that you do on a daily basis.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for peace for a special family. They have had some heart-wrenching decisions to make and need God’s inexplicable peace to get them through.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Regina

I have a job interview today. I know God has a plan and I just pray I listen and do as he wants. Pray for my son,he started a new job today.  Pray that he gets a closer relationship with God. My daughter fights depression, please lift her up.

I’m Praying for This

Breaking Chains/ Saving Lives

Posted by Linda

I am at a Peer Support training in Little Rock this week.  I want to make a difference in the fight against substance abuse.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I need prayer to stay on track to pay off all debts by March, 2020. Pray that I get approved to get a new car so that I can have a more reliable vehicle.  Pray that my boyfriend is on track to pay off his debt, so that he can get his license. Please keep all of us in your prayers and that our finances be put back in order so that we can stay on track. God has been blessing us left and right! Also, I'm needing strength to get up and get to Church. We've been slacking for the last month-and-a-half. Thank you!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My daughter moved off 4 years ago and is ready to come home now but needs a job to be able to do that. She is a kindergarten teacher so Please pray that the end of this year she can find a kindergarten teaching job and can come home.

I’m Praying for This

Marriage Prayer

Posted by Anonymous

I need mountain moving prayers for my marriage. My husband and I have been separated for almost 2 months and it’s not something I want. I want to work on our marriage and not head to divorce. I need prayers for our marriage and trust to be restored. For my husband to have a change of heart, remember how hard we have worked to get where we are and for lots of healing. Prayers for me to be a soft place for him to land, be able to listen and be supportive and not push him away farther.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Mechele

Please pray for my daughter. She suffers from severe anxiety and depression. Prayers for comfort and healing. Prayers for these to be lifted and replaced with joy and peace.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

We have waited 4 and half years for my husband to come home. He is on his way but it seems to be one delay after another. Please pray Gods timing and that when he gets home our family can heal.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I ask for prayers for my son and his family.  They are going through a very hard time.  Please pray for wisdom and strength and for his wife, I pray for her heart to be touched and she will make the right decision.  I pray for their daughter that she will never know that they had this difficult time.  I ask for prayers for my recovering addict daughter.  Pray for my granddaughters who are entering another school year.  It is always hard to get back into the swing of things and pray that the anxiety that struck my special girl does not strike her again this year.  

I’m Praying for This

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