
Spelling Bee

Posted by Noah

I have a spelling bee tomorrow, give me prayer for help.

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God's Guidance

Posted by Patricia

I need a job, and my son needs glasses.  I have had a very hard life.  It's hard to keep eyes on Jesus, but I know He has a plan. Went into deep depression then it dawned on me that I stopped being around people and listening to music. I turned on KLRC and it's been on since Sunday, music helps so very much!  Please pray for God's provision.  

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Posted by Anonymous

I need Help in my life.  

I’m Praying for This

Baby Kane

Posted by Taylor

My nephew, Kane, has spent the last two months in the NICU in Kansas City Children's Mercy. We knew early on that he was going to have some issues. He was developing with his intestines outside of his body. Unfortunately there were even more complications. We keep praying and telling everyone we know so we can get the power of prayer. It works! God saved this little boy when we about lost all hope. The doctor said it was over but God stepped in and said no were not done yet.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Rebekah

I have been sick over 6 months, and cannot seem to get better.

I’m Praying for This

Healing for Calvin

Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for a friend of mine, Calvin, and his family. Calvin got tragically hurt during the recent tornado aftermath in Siloam Springs. We thank God that his life was spared, even so he has a very long road of recovery ahead. Please pray for healing . Thank you so much!

I’m Praying for This

Grief and Financial

Posted by Kristy

This time of year is hard on me. I don't deserve much but I know God loves me. I pretty much have lost all my family.  I just feel like I'm missing something. My job is, my life and that gets stressful. I need more friends, a family of my own, and to have closer relationships with my extended family.  I'm very confused and can't shake off that feeling that something is missing and I need to do something with my life. I just don't have peace in my life. Also, I have been dealing with a lot of guilt from the past, my spending habits and eating habits. I have been pretty discouraged lately and want to change.   Thank you for the prayers. I know I'm not alone.

I’m Praying for This

Grief & Finances

Posted by Anonymous

I would like to ask for prayers to get me through next week. November 6 is a very hard day for me. I lost my daughter in a car accident she was only 18 years old. It was on her Father's birthday and mine is the next day. He has his wife to help him get through it. I am single and it will hit me a lot harder this year since my son moved to Texas in August. So if you all could pray for me I would really appreciate it very much. If you could all pray for my finances I am trying to get my bills paid off so I have more breathing room. Your prayers would be much appreciated.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Shelley

I have asked for prayer for my daughter before. My son in law just called and told me she is in the ICU on a vent. They don't know what is wrong. She needs a miracle. Please pray. I can't lose her.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

God immediately heal Sarah, and help her be motivated and productive with her life. 

I’m Praying for This

Blood Pressure

Posted by Monte

Pray for my mother to have normal blood pressure.

I’m Praying for This

Storm Damage

Posted by Rachel

Our roof was damaged from the storm and is currently leaking. We are praying and asking for prayers that the insurance company covers everything and that we will find a way to pay the deductible.

I’m Praying for This

Prayer for Healing

Posted by Joyce

One of our lineman was badly injured last night while working to restore power. He has been flown to Mercy hospital in Springfield where he is awaiting surgery for broken jaw and check bones. Pray the surgeons are able to repair everything and that all the follow up goes well. This well be a long painful process for him and his family.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My husband and I separated. He provided all of our income. I am struggling to make my car payment so I am praying that the Lord will provide.

I’m Praying for This

Our Company

Posted by Jonathan

I made the decision last night that we would show where we stand and be authentic about it. We were going to add Bible verses to all our emails, have morning meeting with prayer requests and all. I get in this morning and we have people sick, the one employee not sick, his dog chewed through his network cable. Moved him to another office and the lights won't work in it. I can only see a connection but it also won't stop the plan. Satan can try, but my God is stronger. Prayers please while we go through this to be what we should be for the Lord.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My son is 19 1/2 years old, he has got involved with a girl who is just playing with his mind. They have been intimate and she has a boyfriend and will not leave my son alone. I want my son to open his heart to God and listen and realize there are other young ladies out there that will not just play with his mind to the point she has messed with his head, but he thinks he is in love. He has been smoking marijuana and he was not raised in this type of environment. I just pray that he will have the desire to love the God and let him back into his life and God will lead him to a christian young lady who will love and adore him and he the same.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my daughter. She had to have her gallbladder removed. I’d appreciate prayers for her body to heal and finally have a release if years of pain.

I’m Praying for This

God's Help Needed

Posted by Alex

Please pray for The LORD to help me through the situations that I am in.

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State Exam

Posted by Anonymous

Please lift me up in prayer of tomorrow 10/22 State Exam that all go smoothly, get there, be seated and pass both
essay and multiple choice questions. A lot of prayer please, I am studying my last day night right now before I go to sleep and wake up early to get myself over there.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Mary

My Daughter currently is in a prison rehab for addiction. I'm asking for prayers that she turns her life over to Jesus and, through him, finds the strength to beat this addiction and be the beautiful talented daughter, mother, and woman I know she is.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Beandi

Father in Heaven, heal my daughter's heart and mind and soul from the breakup.  Heal her heart from distress and depression, give her joy and send her peace. 

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Elizabeth

My husband is struggling with depression. He has been through so much this past year and a half. He lost his first wife in 2018 and lost his job 5 months later. He has been focusing on his two autistic children and their grieving and hasn't taken the time to get any help for himself. Even though things are starting to go better he is still struggling with depression. He needs healing. I feel he is struggling with survivor's guilt. I love him and it hurts to see him hurting.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Elizabeth

I am very blessed with a great family. I just need them to be prayed for. I don't have family here in NWA.  I am a grandparent's girl and I just found out that my grandmother had fallen and hit her face. She has been falling just out of the blue and won't see the doctor about it. And she is starting to forget things. My grandfather is not able to do much because he isn't in his best health himself. My mom and dad live closer to them but it's hard for them with money. I need praying for them to find a house they both can live in and my grandparents can sale their house.  I pray that it will happen before something else happens to my grandparents. I want to thank God our Father in Heaven for the blessing in my life and for KLRC and for the life God gave me. Having Christ in my life has changed everything in my mind, heart and soul. Thank you all and God Bless!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my family, my husband is in jail for bad decisions he has made.  I pray they don't send him to prison but do drug court so he can heal in this process, he is not trying to get out of punishment but just wants to do better, he has given his life back to the Lord while in there and he is positive and has faith of any outcome that it is His will to be done, we also want to move back to Oklahoma. 

I’m Praying for This

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