My niece, 28, lost her mom about 10 years ago and left Christ. She was vulnerable and began to hang out with friends who were ungodly, even satanic. One person, in particular, convinced her that she was a lesbian, and now has her considering a sex-change operation. Please pray that God supernaturally postpones/delays that decision and procedure long enough for her to encounter God again and come to her senses. Thank you.
It is with a broken heart that I am having to say goodbye to my hero. You were a hero not only to our family, but your country. You fought in 2 wars, and were the recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross and were married for 62 years. I know in my head that you are in a better place, but my heart, l just can’t seem to believe it. You fought a hard battle with Alzheimers, Parkinsons and Dementia. I hope you knew how much you are loved and respected.
I will always love you Dad.
I have experienced loss and setbacks that have shaken my confidence. I want to believe and trust God, and get on with my life, but I have almost lost hope. The fear and anxiety are overwhelming at times. Please pray that I would know God and His love, that I would feel His presence and be brave to take the next step.
I feel awkward asking for prayers for a dog, but my 'little man' has been with me the last 8 years since my divorce. Buster is like any other small dog with a heart murmur and heart disease at the age of 13. A recent cough had me wondering if his trachea was collapsing from his enlarged heart. He has pneumonia and now is on 4 medicines. I have been so wound up with worry. Listening this morning to KLRC made me realize I need to let go. Very similar to when I was wound up trying to fix my marriage, I need to put it all in God's hands. Please pray for my best friend and give me the courage to let go. Thank you.
I've battled debt most of my adult life and brought it into my marriage. My husband and I are pushing back against the bondage of debt. I pray that God will give us wisdom regarding our part to be wise and faithful stewards. Also, only if it's His will, we will receive financial blessings and boosts to help us along this journey.
Please pray for both me and my wife. We both have back problems with pain. Both of us are on pain medication. I am now residing in an assisted living facility because of limited mobility. Please pray with me that God would continue to use me here for His Glory. Also please pray for our finances. Many here need to know the Lord for salvation. Obviously, many also have physical needs. God bless you all at the station and it’s ministry.
Please pray for Steve who I met over the past year. Steve is a man of God and his salvation is sealed by the blood of Jesus. Steve thought he had a hamstring or sciatic nerve issue but after some test they found out he had a large tumor in his back pressing on the spine. He also has cancer in his lungs and throat. He is currently undergoing treatment. Please pray for Steve to remain strong and that God would heal him from this terrible disease.
My son is 15 and is having a really hard time this year and is making some choices that are not good for him. Would you please pray that my son, that he would stop isolating, find friends that are good for him, make healthy choices, and grow to know the Lord. Thanks so much for your prayers.
I pray for everyone hurting during this time and that during this time people will look to God. This is a hard time and it should be a time that we stand together and not grow apart. I just got the KLRC app and was reading the prayers when I felt like I needed to pray for this. Thank you all for praying for others. Have a blessed day.
My mom passed away on June 26th. While I am very happy that she is with Jesus now, her passing has left me with a lot of anxiety, depression, and wrestling with my faith. I am traveling to her hometown this weekend for a memorial for her, and I'm anxious about how much it's going to hurt. Please pray for peace for me and my family, and strength for my faith.
Please pray for my sister-in-law. She is going through a 2nd round of Chemo. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2019. Her treatments and recovery were going well but her Cancer has come back on her lung. She is going to Duke Medical Center on Friday for 20 days. She is starting her first treatment and needs our prayers. Pray for strength and healing. Pray that my brother (her husband) will come to know Jesus as his Lord and Savior.