
Major Family Issues

Posted by Anonymous

We have 4 kids…21, 16, 14, 8.  We are in a very hard season with our 8-year-old son, due to some major behaviors and safety concerns for himself and the family.  It’s been a very rough 18 months and with medication changes, therapy, love and support he continues to escalate. We continue to search for ways to help him. He suffers from severe ADHD, PTSD, and RAD. We are just trying to make it through each day. We are seeking residential treatment, which is the last thing any parent wants but his safety and our safety is currently at risk.

AND in the middle of all this we are about to be grandparents. Our oldest is going to be a father in about a month. He and the mom are no longer together. They aren’t communicating very well.  He feels shut out and just wants to be as supportive as he can and love on his baby girl. Our two girls in the middle are making it ok but emotionally struggling with all the chaos in the house and extra attention the 8-year-old needs/takes. My husband and I barely have time to talk. We are very connected but also feel so far apart right now, being pulled in 100 different directions and emotionally and mentally drained.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for me and my daughter, Libby, as we both fight sicknesses and infections. My daughter is leaving to go overseas, and we need healing.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Frank

Friends, please pray for my health in my mind and body. I was in law enforcement for 32 years and also have PTSD. Please pray for encouragement as I walk through this new season of life. Thank you.

I’m Praying for This

Recent Miscarriage

Posted by Anonymous

On February 7th we suffered the loss of our baby. At 6 weeks pregnant my miscarriage happened and it was something my husband and I have prayed for. After 3 weeks I had to have a surgery because the process did not finish. It just was not God’s timing but even as a woman of faith the feeling of emptiness is still there and through prayers and tears I am still leaning to God to heal me emotionally. I give Glory to Him that I am healing physically but our hearts still ache for the loss of our baby. I ask for prayers to keep peace in my heart. I have hope that one day that blessing will come by the Lord’s will, I pray the wound and grief heals soon

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

My heart is broken for my family right now. One of my daughter-in-law's is feeling really beat down and underappreciated. I would love prayers for her, that she would feel known and loved and valued in ways that she hasn't in a long time, and that God would heal her relationship with her daughter.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Jami

Struggling with all things. Work, financial, new relationship, mistakes from the past - forgiving and loving myself again. Asking for grace, favor and just overall forgiveness.

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New Job

Posted by Kristi

I'm starting a new job, my dream job.  I'm excited and praying for this job, and putting God first!

I’m Praying for This

Grieving Loss

Posted by MaryAnn

I'm asking for prayer as I continue to grieve the loss of my 22 year old daughter Tammy, her 13 month old daughter and unborn child back in 1998. The grieving is especially hard this season with Easter coming. Please pray for peace and comfort. Thank you so much for praying for me.

I’m Praying for This

Death of Friend

Posted by Anonymous

My best friend lost her dad over the weekend. This family helped me when I moved to this country. I have know them for over 20 years. It has been a hard weekend.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my family's health, for my son my daughter and my wife.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Praying God's wisdom, strength, and safety over teachers, staff, and especially students in our local school districts. In the spiritual battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation, we need supernatural protection. In the name of Jesus, we pray.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Christy

My husband starts new temp job today and one of my jobs ends when my student I assist graduates. We have started a new side hustle that we don’t know if it’s gonna work and I’m looking into another job. 
Just praying for job security and hopefully, finally some income that’s more than just enough to get by.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

I got word this morning that my dad is having some medical tests to determine some things that are going on with his heart. I pray for God to heal my dad, wisdom and discernment for the doctors, and the Lord's peace and comfort in the middle of all of it.

I’m Praying for This

Son's struggling

Posted by Anonymous

My two sons are struggling with healthy connection and as a result battling loneliness, depression and overall health. Turning to unhealthy strategies that make things worse. I am struggling with peace myself as I watch them battle in this season. Need a miracle in this season.

I’m Praying for This

Untitled Blog Post

Posted by Anonymous

It’s been three weeks since I caught my husband in an affair. We were married for 10 years and I thought it was forever. But unfortunately my marriage is over and we are divorcing. Please lift me and our two kids in prayer to make it through these very dark days. Pray that this process will be amicable for everyone.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Sabrina

I would love prayer warriors to pray God has the right job for me. My boss came in 2/26/24 and said he was closing the doors. I’m be leaving for peaceful work place with good benefits and understands I help take care of my mom who had brain surgery back in May and my son whose a veteran with PTSD and make sure they get to their doctor appointments.
Thank you and have a blessed day.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Right now my husband and I have recently separated, and I'm struggling to walk through it. It's incredibly hard to watch this happen after being together for over 20 years. Prayers for peace, comfort, and that God would work a miracle in healing our marriage.

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Anonymous

Please pray for my son. He deals with high Anxiety which keeps him from holding down a steady job. He needs to rededicate his life to Christ. He also deals with depression. He is 31 years old. God Bless you and Thank You

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Marisa

I have nine kids, eight of them adopted, four teenage girls. Two of my teenage girls are really struggling with their identity, where they fit in, and not conforming to the ways of this world. We're exhausted parents trying to lead our children in the ways of the Lord in a world that tells them they don't need Him. Please pray that their hearts are hungry for the Lord and we as parents have the strength and fortitude to come alongside them in these situations to guide in the correct and loving way

I’m Praying for This

New Job

Posted by Anonymous

I need prayer as I step into a new position that God has given me. I'm having to learn some new systems and ways of doing things. On top of all of that, I've been dealing with some health issues, which is making this transition even harder. Prayer for peace and wisdom.

I’m Praying for This

Motorcycle Accident

Posted by Cheyenne

Pray for my father who was in a motorcycle accident and for my mom as support.

Pray for me and my husband and our relationship as well.

I’m Praying for This

Prayers for Husband

Posted by Anonymous

My husband doesn't go to church. Please pray that he will start going with me.

I’m Praying for This

Prayers for my uncle Lonnie

Posted by Judy Easter

My Uncle Had a stroke July 4 of 2023, he has artery disease, which is slow circulation in his legs And needed surgery in his right leg To restore blood flow so he had been in the hospital from July to September waiting to get stronger where you could have surgery on his right leg Meanwhile, They were such poor circulation in his right leg that his toes started turning black at the end of September they amputated his right leg knee down, Had a catheter and was causing all kinds of issues with where was inserted so they went through abdominal area to put a catheter and this is what happened His femoral artery graft was punctured when they placed his suprapubic catheter causing it all the become infected. There is nothing else they can do at UAMS besides provide palliative care. they told us probably take about a weeks/month to pass. Please pray for him And for family! Thank you so much!

I’m Praying for This


Posted by Tricia

Please pray for me in this new season, that as my divorce is finalized that I would feel God's direction and wisdom over me to know what next steps to take. I feel so overwhelmed and like a failure to my children. Thank you for taking time to pray for me.

I’m Praying for This

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