My heart is heavy tonight we are a family of four. We are facing such defeat trying to afford food daily. I feel defeated and overwhelmed. My husband lost his job in August and hasn’t been able to find employment. Exhausting all food bank assistance having to wait for December 1 to qualify for another food box. God promises us He will provide. I’m so depressed and need help praying for my thoughts to remain in His word but It’s hard when my girls are hungry but don’t want to say anything. Please hear our cries, Father.
Please cover me in prayer. I’m 20 years married to a combat vet. He’s such a wonderful person but his PTSD makes him a different person all together. Please God help me have the strength to keep breathing. Please God help me reach my husband. Please take the heart of stone from his flesh and give him a heart of flesh. I’m on the verge of shattering under the weight. Please please pray.
Pray my children will want a relationship with me. Even though there is the distance barrier between us, they would never visit when I was back home visiting. I call and text them letting them know that I love them unconditionally, but they don’t respond to anything I do. Maybe prayers in numbers will work, I don’t know. I am desperate and out of options. God, please grant me favor with man.
Please pray for my brother and his wife. There is deep hurt and wounding, untreated mental illness is involved. They both have drifted from God. Please pray for His restoration repair and renewal. Also for my niece. She is depressed and grasping at the things of the world to make her happy.
I could really use prayers for my little family. We are going through legal battles to bring our oldest back home. Her bio mom and grandma are trying their hardest to make sure we never see her again. I know she could use prayers too. She is going through so must lost and confusion. I pray that she knows how much we love and miss her so much. Her little sister cries for her every night at bedtime. I pray that she will be able to come back home soon and that the judge that has our case will be able to see the truth in the matter and be able to serve justice and restore the peace.