Posted by James • August 1, 2024
Posted by James • August 1, 2024
I have been searching for a new career since I left full-time ministry in 2019. I’ve bounced around different jobs but can’t seem to find something that sticks that can provide financial freedom for my family and I. I am currently working but have been let down several times by my superiors who tell me that I’m going to be promoted, but it’s been months and nothing has happened yet. I’m a hard worker, I’m well educated, but it seems like no one wants to hire a former minister because they don’t think about how all the skills I have from ministry can translate into a top performing job. I have had to settle for hourly work, working long hours, and doing different side hustles in the evenings to make ends meet. I’m mentally, physically, emotionally exhausted. Please pray that the Lord would provide more so than he already has, please pray that I can make the right connection with someone who sees my worth, please pray for my strength so that I do not grow weary and become depressed. Thank you.