God's Provision
Posted by Anonymous • August 13, 2024
Posted by Anonymous • August 13, 2024
My husband and I believe we are called to minister to our Veterans with PTSD. Our dream is to open a ranch, providing a program for healing through Equine Therapy all at no cost to the veterans. This will include services for their families as well. We have been praying about this for 4 years now, and we have done everything we know to do to prepare. We have obtained Non-Profit status as well as all of the necessary paperwork that is needed. We just need God to provide the funds. Please pray with us, as this is much more than a dream, it is a God initiated calling on our lives. We know it is so needed as there are 22 veterans ending their own lives here in America. There is an estimated 35,500 homeless veterans living in the US today. Something has to change for them. Someone has to bring The Healer to the wounded! We are ready, willing, able, and called. We just can't do it alone. Please pray with us that God will open doors and prepare the way!