Posted by Anonymous • March 8, 2020
Posted by Anonymous • March 8, 2020
I have been type 1 diabetic for almost 38 years. I have been able to keep it under control. My husband and I were recently in an accident. We both suffered injuries but I ended up with a concussion and my arm going numb, and is in constant pain. The depression I am going thru recently is downright scary. The wreck has changed my life totally and I’m angry about it. I can’t seem to catch a break from the health problems that seems to be stemming from the wreck. I don’t understand why I had to go thru that wreck since it doesn’t seem like anything good has come from it. My daily life is a struggle. I work but have no other choice. I feel so alone because the wreck has taken ability to remember, ability to speak with others due to stuttering, anxiety and my thought process is slower and all over the place. I listen to your radio station every morning hoping to find encouragement just to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I just feel my life is turned upside down and don’t know what to pray for to help himself. Thank you