403 W Maple St, Springdale
About: Susan G. Komen fought breast cancer with her heart, body and soul. Throughout her diagnosis, treatments, and endless days in the hospital, she spent her time thinking of ways to make life better for other women battling breast cancer instead of worrying about her own situation. Moved by Susans compassion for others and commitment to making a difference, Nancy G. Brinker promised her sister that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer.
Though Susan lost her battle with the disease, her legacy lives on through the work of Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, the organization Nancy started in her honor. Komen for the Cure is the global leader of the breast cancer movement, having invested more than $1 billion since its inception in 1982. Komens promise is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find the cures.
Across the country, that promise is upheld by a network of 122 local Affiliate offices. At the heart of each Affiliate is a person or group of people who, like Susan, wanted to make a difference.
The Ozark Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure was established in late 1999 to spread the life-saving message of early detection and to support breast cancer screening, treatment and diagnostic programs in Northwest Arkansas and the River Valley. Komen Ozark has granted nearly 6.4 million since 1999 to fund programs that support our Promise!
Our Promise: The Promise of Susan G. Komen for the Cure is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find the cures. No person with breast cancer should be forced to spend more time fighting their way through the health care system than fighting the disease. A simple promise made between two sisters formulated our guiding principles:
- We believe in the power of the individual-recognizing the extreme value of one and the dynamic force of many.
- We honor volunteerism and foster the spirit to serve the lives that we touch.
- We nurture an environment where people are valued and treated with dignity, respect, and fairness.
- We are committed to being a positive agent of change-demonstrating compassion and integrity in all that we do.
- We believe that distinguished financial performance is a must, not as an end in itself, but as a means to accomplish our broader mission.
Volunteer Opportunities: Our volunteers come in all sizes, shapes and colors, but their hearts are pink and their caring has no limit. Are you a leader, a thinker or a doer? Use your talents in our promise to save lives and end breast cancer forever! We need you now more than ever. Volunteers provide countless hours contributing their skills to further the Susan G Komen for the Cure promise. We will work with your availability. Every minute you spend helping gives another minute of hope to those affected by breast cancer. Program areas include:
- Development/Special Events
- Community Programs Advocacy
- Administrative
To be considered for one of the above volunteer positions, please go to the website and fill out the volunteer application.
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