6836 Isaacs Orchard Rd, Springdale
Mission: To support the presence and participation of children and adults with developmental disabilities in their homes and communities.
Vision: We envision a future where individuals with developmental disabilities have:
- Power and choice in making decisions and directing their lives.
- Relationships with people whom they love and care about and who love and care about them.
- Recognition for the gifts that they bring to our community.
- Active involvement in the communities where they live.
- Meaningful employment, which is free of discrimination and maximizes their employment capacity.
- Opportunities to live healthy, safe, and enjoyable lives.
About: Arkansas Support Network was established in May of 1988 as Family Support Services, Inc. A small group of parents and volunteers incorporated and were licensed by the state to provide support and assistance to a limited number of families who had children with disabilities living in the home with them.
Since 1988, we have added a number of programs and services to complement our original Family Support program. Our guiding principle in 1988 was the belief that individuals who have disabilities and their families should be in control of service delivery. Our job is to assist, not to control. With every service that we have added since 1988, we have tried to adhere to this philosophy.
It is our belief that every person has the right to live in a home and in the community as an active and accepted member. Our intent is to support the presence and participation of children and adults with developmental disabilities in their homes and communities.
Programs: The needs for volunteers in all of the programs are ongoing.
Family Support Program This is based on the belief that children, regardless of any disability, need families and lasting relationships with adults. Our goal is to provide assistance and supports which enable children, even those with very severe disabilities and health care needs, to live in their homes and participate in the life of their community.
Community Living Services This provides a range of services, from minimal assistance to full-time live in support which assists individuals in living in their own homes and communities. For more information on this and how to get involved, contact Syard Evans at [email protected].
KidsClub Our partnerships with the activity centers have provided opportunities for kids with severe disabilities to take part in all kinds of activities with other kids their own age. To be a part of KidsClub, contact Caleb Taylor at [email protected]
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