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10 million pairs of shoes on the feet of 10 million people.  This is the mission of Samaritan’s Feet as nearly 300 million people go without shoes each day (not by choice) and nearly 1 million die each year as a result of foot-borne illnesses that may be preventable by simple protection provided through shoes.

This stark reality is not just confined to third-world countries or remote parts of the globe.  This is also reality for children in advanced nations, including the United States where we have children wearing shoes that are 2-3 sizes too small for their growing feet.  In Northwest Arkansas alone, Samaritan’s Feet served nearly 2800 children in 2014. 

Over the past 11 years Samaritan’s Feet and its team of global ambassadors have demonstrated an act of servant-leadership and humility by washing the feet of over 5.5 million people in over 40 nations around the world.  Just as important, Samaritan’s Feet is sharing a message of hope and shining a light on the beauty of the human spirit of each of these people.

Lives have been truly changed through these simple acts of human kindness.  In many parts of the world children cannot attend school if they don’t have shoes.  Kids are wading through garbage and human waste to trek for water.  Some feel ashamed because of the holes in their shoes.  You don’t have to look far to find the toll of the wages of poverty and despair.

Through Samaritan’s Feet Shoes of Hope distributions that take place around the world countries have settled civil disputes and initiated social reconciliation programs.  Children are now attending school for the first time and relief is being provided to war torn and disaster ridden nations.  And children are jumping for joy as someone shares their love for them and provides for a basic need.

About:  Not just a non-profit, nor just a humanitarian aid organization, but a community of more than 70,000 volunteers who have joined together to make a difference in the lives of children in need in every corner of the world.  From a dream to the reality of nearly 3,000,000 impoverished children in over 40 nations being served by having their feet washed, receiving a new pair of shoes, and hearing a message of hope.

Samaritan's Feet and its team of global ambassadors have touched the lives of men, women and children across the United States and around the world in an effort to help the nearly 300 million people who go without shoes each day, and the more than a million who die each year as a result.  Through this simple act of humility and servant-leadership, our team members and volunteers are expressing love, compassion and the Gospel message that bring hope.

If we want to change the world we must first start with the heart, and the heart of Samaritan's Feet is hard at work in neighborhoods, schools, businesses, churches, gyms, villages, tents, and fields of this world.  Lawyer or laborer, doctor or truck driver, student or senator, a first-person opportunity to change a life is at hand.

Get Involved:

An investment in Samaritan's Feet is an investment in the world's future.  It's an investment that gives hurting children the opportunity to achieve success and fulfillment in life.  A gift of your time, energy or finances to Samaritan's Feet today means a brighter tomorrow for thousands of distressed children who simply need the opportunity to take that "next step."
For more information on how to get involved with Samaritan's Feet, please contact them directly either through their website, or by connecting with Alicia Morrow, the representative for Samaritan's Feet in NWA, by calling 479-212-0733 or e-mailing [email protected].

Volunteering is a great way to engage and experience first-hand the impact you can have on a child's life. Samaritan's Feet has many different volunteer programs that help people engage. From corporate teams, youth groups, families, or individual, there are many ways to help make a difference to someone else and brighten your spirit as well. Go online and fill out the volunteer form to learn more about the life-changing opportunity that lies ahead.

You can also get involved through being a corporate partner, "barefoot for barefeet" ambassador programs, shoe drives, shoes of hope distributions, National Day of Service, Back to Basics shoe distributions, and mission trips.

For more information, visit the website!

Learn How to Volunteer with This Non-Profit!

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