3610 W Southern Hills Blvd, Rogers, or 275 S Duncan Ave, Fayetteville
(R) 479-631-6677, (F) 479-521-6677
Mission: Offering you choices for your pregnancy.
Vision: Loving Choices provides free and confidential services to help with pregnancy and other reproductive health issues including pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STD testing and abortion information.
About: Our official name (the 501c3 name) is Northwest Arkansas Womens Resources, Inc. Our doing business as (dba) name is Loving Choices Pregnancy Centers of NWA.
At Loving Choices, clients are served without regard to age, race, income, nationality, religious affiliation, disability or other arbitrary circumstances. They are treated with kindness, compassion and in a caring manner while always receiving honest and open answers. Client pregnancy tests are distributed and administered in accordance with all applicable laws. Client information is held in strict and absolute confidence. Releases and permissions are obtained appropriately. Client information is only disclosed as required by law and when necessary to protect the client or others against imminent harm. Clients receive accurate information about pregnancy, fetal development, lifestyle issues and related concerns. We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks. All of our advertising and communication are truthful and honest and accurately describe the services we offer. We provide a safe environment by screening all volunteers and staff interacting with clients. We are governed by a board of directors and operate in accordance with our articles of incorporation, by-laws, and stated purpose and mission. We comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements regarding employment, fundraising, financial management, taxation, and public disclosure, including the filing of all applicable government reports in a timely manner. Medical services are provided in accordance with all applicable laws, and in accordance with pertinent medical standards, under the supervision and direction of a licensed physician. All of our staff, board members, and volunteers receive appropriate training to uphold these standards.
Services: Our FREE and CONFIDENTIAL services are
Adoption Planning
Care Center
Abortion Recovery
Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteers are the lifeblood of Loving Choices. Here are some opportunities for you to volunteer
Volunteer Peer Counselor: Do you want to spend time with those who need a listening ear? Do you want to walk alongside of someone in need? Perhaps this is the role for you. This is usually a four-hour weekly commitment and training is provided.
Mommy Boutique Volunteer: Would you like to work in a boutique atmosphere? Does it sound like fun to work with expectant mothers and want to help them prepare for their new baby? We would love for you to join us in the Care Centers Mommy boutique. Typically a four-hour weekly commitment, you can serve young mothers-to-be in many tangible ways.
Volunteer Nurse: Our nurses provide critical support to our clients. Would you like to give ultrasounds, help with STD testing and provide medical counsel to women in need? We need you!
Loving Choices Ambassador Program: Are you interested in volunteering but coming to Loving Choices isnt an option? Or, are you time-starved but still want to help? Be a Loving Choices Ambassador! Find out more information at our Loving Choices Ambassador Program website and join today! www.ambassadors.lovingchoices.org
Prayer Partner: We desire your prayers at Loving Choices! Would you please commit to praying regularly for the ministry? This is the most powerful gift you can give! You receive monthly e-mails as well as a few others that are immediate needs. E-mail [email protected] to join our e-mail prayer ministry.
Donations: We do accept new and gently used baby items for our Mommy Boutiques. Please contact us about logistics. Thank you in advance!
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