2894 N Mckee Cr, Suites 120, 122, &124, Fayetteville
About: The Joshua Center is a multi-purpose center that provides behavioral and spiritual healing, as well as training for professional counselors and people serving in prayer ministries. The Joshua Center is an outreach of New Heights Church in Fayetteville, AR, offering ministry services, faith-based ministry and counseling, and secular counseling services to Washington and Benton Counties.
Services: The Joshua Center offers services to anyone in the community including Counseling, Prayer Ministry, and Military & Support Training.
- Counseling: The Joshua Center provides affordable counseling services for people struggling with depression, anxiety, marital difficulties, sexual brokenness, parent-child issues and other individual and family concerns. Our licensed professional counselors and marriage and family therapists address the spiritual dynamics in the lives of our clients, as well as other behavioral health needs. Joshua Center staff and their clientele often explore their values and beliefs as a part of the healing process; however, no religious views are ever forced upon clients. At The Joshua Center, clients always lead discussions of faith. The Joshua Center takes a team approach to the healing process and practices within professional and ethical standards established by the ACA and AAMFT.
- Prayer Ministry: The Discernment Prayer Ministry is a unique and important part of The Joshua Center. Our ministers work intensely with clients to help them discern the spiritual dynamics in their lives, to strategically address spiritual issues in their lives through various forms of prayer and to find freedom through spiritual intervention. Over the last 7 years, the Discernment Prayer Ministry has established a reputation of excellence in helping people find healing and wholeness in their lives. Each team member is part of the New Heights Church staff, has many years of experience in this ministry and is deeply invested in the well-being of the people with whom they work.
- Military Support & Training: Serving on active duty or returning from deployment can be a stressful time in the lives of military personnel and their families. The Joshua Center is here to provide the counseling services you need during these challenging transitions. Three staff members (one full time, two volunteer) have a military background with experience and expertise in grief and loss. Our staff has also done significant research in the area of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The Joshua Center provides counseling services to military personnel and their families, as well as programs to support family members affected by military duty.
-Hesed Hermitage: The Joshua Center is working to establish a temporary residential facility where individuals, couples and teams may receive intensive intervention or training. The Joshua Center staff will facilitate interventions by focusing on stabilization, intervention, need identification, team building, encouragement and strategic planning. Check back soon for the opening date for The Joshua Centers Hesed Hermitage.
Get Involved: Whether you have years of experience in counseling or have never stepped into the classroom, The Joshua Center has training to fit your needs. From community lunches to the Apprenticeship Training Program, were working to equip you with the skills you need to make a difference in the lives of others. You can also sign up for classes, seminars and events.
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