Contact Information

116 St. Thomas Way, Wills Point, TX 75169


Organization Information

Mission:  Our mission in life is to be devout followers of Christ and to fulfill the Great Commission among the unreached in Asia through training, sending out and assisting qualified laborers in partnership with the Body of Christ.

About:  Gospel for Asia’s mission is to share the Good News of Jesus with those who have never heard His name.  We train and send national missionaries to reach out into areas where the Good News of Jesus Christ has not yet been heard.
For over 30 years Gospel for Asia continues to bring aid and hope to some of the most down trodden people in the Eastern Hemisphere.

Today the reality is that 97 percent of the world’s unreached lives in the 10/40 Window, a rectangular shaped area on our globe extending from West Africa to East Asia, from 10 degrees north to 40 degrees north of the equator.  In this part of the world, millions live with little or no chance of ever hearing the Gospel.  The Window also encompasses the majority of the world’s Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists.  Although 97 percent of the world’s unreached lives in the 10/40 Window, less than 0.05% of our total resources as the Church in the West are being sent to help share the Good News.  Truly there is a staggering amount of work to do.

Services:  Due to the great need for Gospel work to be done in the 10/40 Window, there are numerous ways Gospel for Asia goes about accomplishing just that.

Through National (or Indigenous) Missionaries: Gospel for Asia trains and sends national missionaries because they have proven extremely effective.  They are already familiar with the language and culture, and they live at the level of the people they serve, thus removing many social barriers.

Through Prayer: The foundation of Gospel for Asia’s ministry is prayer.  We know that nothing is accomplished without prayer, and therefore we give it a place of priority.  Gospel for Asia missionaries and staff, literally around the world, pray consistently and with great fervor for those who have never heard that Jesus loves them.

Through Donors, Sponsors and Staff: Giving takes many forms at Gospel for Asia.  Some give out of financial abundance; others, as in the story of the widow’s mite, give out of great need.  Some give up secular careers to serve as staff at a GFA office.  And, of course, the missionaries on the field sacrifice their entire lives to His service.  No matter what our role is – whether missionary sponsor, volunteer, support staff or field missionary – we have all given ourselves over to the call of Christ that we might be used for His glory.

By Faith: Gospel for Asia sends 100 percent of the money you donate for work on the mission field to the field.  Nothing is taken out for administrative expenses.

Working with Others: Gospel for Asia International works with and assists dozens of NGOs and ministries in many Asian nations.  None of these entities comes under Gospel for Asia International or are legally affiliated with us.

Get Involved:  Your part in winning Asia is just as important as that of the workers on the field.  Although they are willing and eager to go, they are limited by the resources given to provide a small room to rent, food to eat, and Bibles and tracts to distribute.  Without support from Christians around the world, our brothers and sisters in Asia simply would not be able to complete the task of sharing Christ with every village and people group.

Sponsor a missionary: It takes between US$120 and US$210 per month to support a national missionary through Gospel for Asia.  You can support one worker with a monthly donation of $30.  As a sponsor, you are asked to pray regularly for your missionary.  When you become a sponsor, your missionary’s picture and testimony will be sent to you promptly.

Volunteer: You can make a difference by representing GFA in your area at music festivals, conferences, etc.  Join the hundreds of other GFA volunteers who are impacting Asia while in their own towns!

Join Staff: Link your life with the church in South Asia by serving them at one of our international offices in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, South Korea, South Africa, Australia or New Zealand.

Join the Prayer Team: Join with us as we lift up in prayer the people of Asia and their needs.  Join our streaming prayer meeting the first Friday of every month from 7:30 to 9:30pm, CST.

myGFA, A Personal Campaign Tool: Have some fun and motivate your friends, all while changing the world.  Start a campaign for Jesus Wells, Bicycles, Women’s Literacy or even a Water Buffalo!

GFA School of Discipleship: Join us at our office near Dallas, Texas for a one-year program that will change your life (for young adults ages 18-27).

College Internship: Gain valuable work experience and get college credit while helping us reach South Asia with the love of Christ.

Inspire Your Church, Invite a Speaker: Encourage and challenge your congregation to live selflessly and with an eternal mindset – invite a GFA speaker.

Share the Book(s): You can help start a revival in your town!  Simply give out free copies ofRevolution in World Missions or No Longer a Slumdog.

The Artist Program: Combine your passion and skills to help reach the lost with the Gospel of Christ.

Push the Pedal, Bicycles for Missionaries: Help national missionaries go farther and faster to spread the Gospel by collecting donations for new missionary bicycles!

Find out more information about all of these ways to get involved through!

Learn How to Volunteer with This Non-Profit!

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