6045 Elm Springs Rd, Springdale
About: Compassion House is a life-line for women for girls under age 18 who are challenged by an unplanned pregnancy. We become involved at a critical time in their lives and help them make better choices for themselves and their babies. Compassion House is the only such facility in Northwest Arkansas.
Services: We provide a safe home for up to up to 12 residents during their pregnancy, and up to 6 months post delivery. Our residents receive complete pregnancy care including prenatal, labor, delivery, and post-partum care from qualified local physicians. We offer professional counseling helping the girls resolve emotional and family issues, as well as helping them make an informed decision about whether to parent their baby or place it for adoption. We provide life skills training including parenting skills, infant feeding, cooking, nutrition, and exercise. We promote spiritual growth through daily devotions, Bible study, discipleship, and abstinence education. It is our policy to strongly encourage each resident to get involved in a local church. We address the educational needs of our young women by helping them acquire a high school diploma, college degree, and/or vocational skills to improve their prospects for self-sufficiency. We connect our young women with local resource families who provide them with emotional support and practical help, both during and after their stay at Compassion House.
Volunteer Opportunities: There are opportunities for community involvement at all levels. From individual, family, community, and church groups to businesses and other professionals Compassion House can use your help. To learn more about the specific ways that you can get involved, contact us at [email protected]!
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