Contact Information

101 W Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701


Organization Information


Building inclusive communities so that every person with a disability and their family can live a full life within relationships.


99 balloons refers to what was released at the funeral of Eliot Mooney - each balloon representing a day he spent on this earth. Among the many gifts he brought his parents, Matt & Ginny, was a passion to help children experiencing disability and to help their families. You can learn more about their story on our website:


rEcess was the first 99 Balloon's initiative. The capitalized "E" in rEcess is no mistake. The Mooneys were on the receiving end of much help and assistance from others that enabled them to better care for Eliot, and that is what this night is all about - building relationships with families experiencing disability so that people with and without disability begin caring about one another. 99 Balloons started off as one monthly respite location (rEcess) in Fayetteville, AR, and has grown to become an organization that trains and equips churches and communities across the United States, Canada, and Australia, as well as assist partners throughout the world via global trips and projects.

Our 3 main opportunities are.....
rEcess - a holistic model of ministry that serves the entire family experiencing disability through a monthly respite night.
bEfriend - a relational model of ministry for adults with and without disability to grow in friendship through 1-1 pairings.
Global - we have established global partners in South Asia, Nicaragua, and Uganda that we support through global trips with disability professionals.

Volunteer Opportunities:

There are rEcess sites & bEfriend communities across Northwest Arkansas to be connected with or we can train you in starting these programs within your church for our community. 

One opportunity is to be paired with local adults experiencing disability (bEfriend). Or you can volunteer at a night of respite by caring for a kid experiencing disability and their sibling, or even through providing a meal for volunteers (rEcess). Additionally, we are always looking for Special Education Teachers, Occupational, Physical, and Speech therapists to join our global trips. If you are interested in learning more about volunteer opportunities, please contact [email protected].

Learn How to Volunteer with This Non-Profit!

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