4032 E. Van Buren Eureka Springs, AR 72632
Feed The Hungry & Share The Love Of Christ!
A Cup Of Love Ministry is a non-profit 501©3 organization established in 2013 in Eureka Springs, AR by Chuck & Pattie Jarett. For 4 years they set up tents and set out a dining area and served over 30,000 cups of soup. There was a huge need for this ministry to have a permanent location and the doors were opened in 2017 at the building they are currently in now. They rented for two years and are now buying. In 2022, the ministry was able to help 8,252 food insecure families and 21,146 individuals, and provide 19,280 hot meals. God is Amazing!
They serve hot meals daily and have a food pantry available Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm. All food is made at the church and fresh every day. Anyone is welcome to come eat and pick up groceries. Desserts are made by ladies in the community. They see an average of 350 - 500 people a week.
Volunteer Opportunities:
Donations of food, hygiene and financial donations are how they keep going and there are 15 wonderful volunteers helping with this great need in the community.
If you would like to donate items, please call: 479-363-4529
For financial donations, we can be reached through our Facebook page, PaypaL https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/3806132, our website- acupofloveministry.org, or by mail at: 4032 E. Van Buren Eureka Springs, Ark 72632.
Contact us through email: [email protected]
We thank you so much for your support, love, and prayers.
Learn How to Volunteer with This Non-Profit!
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