PO Box 8396, Fayetteville, AR
Mission: To provide new clothing to needy elementary children in Benton and Washington Counties.
About: Community Kids Closet is a 501c3 non-profit that is operated 100% by volunteers and non-paid staff.
Services: Approximately 600 kids are sponsored twice a year winter and summer. Each child is provided with two pairs of pants, two shirts, tennis shoes, socks and underwear. School counselors identify children in great need of clothing, needs are posted at area churches and business, donations are made by individuals in the community, then clothing is sorted and delivered to the schools.
How to Get Involved: Volunteers are always needed to help keep this ministry going. There are also many opportunities for churches and businesses to sponsor children, through monetary or clothing donations. For more information, you can contact Jodie at 479-595-9087, or via e-mail at [email protected].
Learn How to Volunteer with This Non-Profit!
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