75 E Lancashire Blvd., Bella Vista, AR
Mission: Creating positive, life-changing moments for innocent children who have been victims of neglect, abuse, and abandonment.
About: Royal Family Kids is a national and international organization that began in 1990. Each camp is volunteer run and sponsored by a local church. Our camp is the first camp of Northwest Arkansas! Cody and Karissa Ragland, our directors, are members of our sponsor church, Bella Vista Community Church. Our camp welcomes foster youth ages 7-11 to a week of summer camp in the Ozarks. Founded in 2018, we partner with The Call of NWA, DHS, and other organizations to serve the foster families in our area.
Services: A week long Christian summer camp for kids from hard places
Volunteer Opportunities: We need people who can serve as full-time volunteers for the full week of camp, and part-time volunteers - people who come out for one event during the week of camp. All of our volunteer opportunities and applications can be found on our website.
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