3400 Woods Lane, Rogers, AR
Mission: Developing and enriching the lives of individuals and families through therapy, education and support.
About: Years ago, there were two families with kids who had special needs and no place to learn. Every day their other children developed and grew at school while their kids with disabilities were left behind. One day they decided to create a place for them to learn and grow. They created a place for their children to move forward and have opportunities. Because of that, other students with disabilities began flocking to their school for therapy, education, and support. Because of that, the school grew and grew and outgrew two buildings and has helped thousands of people of all ages. Now, Sunshine School & Development Center is here 60 years later providing therapy and education for kids as young as 18 months old and support services for clients as old as 74 years old.
-Behavioral/Mental Health
-Developmental Preschool
-Preschool Enrichment Program
-Arkansas Better Chance Classrooms
-Parents as Teachers Program
-Community Support Services
-First Connections
-After School Care
-Case Management
Volunteer opportunities: Sunshine School is always grateful for community partners and organizations who help us meet the needs of our center. We would love for a group from your business, civic group, church, or other organization to come volunteer!
For more information, contact our Volunteer & Community Outreach Coordinator, Jamie Harvey!
Learn How to Volunteer with This Non-Profit!
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