130 E Poplar Suite C Fayetteville, AR
Mission: To provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring professionally supported, one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better... forever!
About: Big Brothers Big Sisters is the longest established mentoring organization in the United States. The Northwest Arkansas chapter began in 2015. We work with schools, parents, juvilune courts and other youth serving agencies to provide mentoring to kids across Northwest Arkansas.
Services: Children ("Littles") and their mentors ("Bigs") meet one-to-one a few times a month to do activities of their own choosing. It cold be playing in a park, studying in a library, visiting a museum or just catching up over a meal; it's not what they do together that is key, it is that they meet consistently and develop a bond with lasting impact. Site-based matches meet weekly at a school, youth club or another set venue.
Volunteer opportunities: We are always looking for mentors "Bigs" to volunteer their time! To become a "Big" one must complete an application (found online bbbsnwa.org), go through an interview, attend volunteer training, and then be "matched" with a child on our waiting list! Our wait-list averages 30 youth at any given time during the year.
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