Car Show
Kansas First Baptist 3rd Annual Car Show
Kansas First Baptist Church 3rd Annual Car Show Award top 20...
10:00 AM
Kansas First Baptist Church
Kansas , OK
Our heart at KLRC is to encourage and care for our community. Our Event Calendar is one of the primary services we offer to help you stay connected and informed about the great things happening in our area!
Because we want to play as much encouraging music as possible, we are limited in the time we can give to community announcements on the air. However, we will occasionally select a few events to be featured both on-air and on the online calendar. These featured events will be selected by KLRC staff solely at our discretion.
However, when selecting which events to feature, we take into consideration several factors, including: Is the event family friendly? Is it free or low-cost? Does it benefit a non-profit or ministry? Will it appeal to the majority of KLRC's listening audience? An event that meets these criteria will have a better chance of being featured by KLRC.
In order to create the most helpful and family-friendly experience possible, KLRC reserves the right to reject, edit, or remove any submission at any time and for any reason. KLRC is not responsible for the accuracy of event content submitted by the community. Please allow up to 5 business days for your event to be processed and posted online.
Thank you for your part in caring for our community. It's our privilege to partner with you!