Kara Culver co-hosts "The KLRC Drive-Home" and oversees the production of KLRC's promotional spots. Hear something on-air that's not a song or a DJ? You're listening to Kara's work!
Creative, empathetic, encouraging
I went through a few different phases. First was the ice-skater phase, (we watched a lot of the winter Olympics at a formative time in my life.) Then there was the soccer player phase. Turns out I'm not quite athletic enough for either of those career paths! LOL. So then I decided maybe I wanted to be a writer or a photographer instead.
Camping with my husband, cooking, or hanging out with my cat while enjoying a good book or movie!
Handle with Care
"Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God." Karl Barth
I talk into a magic stick (called a microphone), that lets lots of people hear me at the same time. My friends and I try to make lots of people laugh, remind them that they're loved, and invite them to get to know this amazing guy named Jesus.
You say, by Lauren Daigle. Because we all go through seasons where the voices in our head are loud and unkind. This song is an anthem for those times when you forget who you are, and need to be reminded what God says about you.
At the end of our fundraiser week, we're all a little sleep deprived, and a little slap happy. We usually share a meal together before we go home and get some rest, and we have some of the best conversations and loudest laughter during those meals. It's priceless.