I see the candles, glow in the windows
I hear the Church bells starting to chime
Millions of snowflakes, falling from Heaven
Turning the world, from grey to white
Even the hardest of hearts
Cannot deny the magic in the air
Let us adore Him
Lift up your voices
Sing it out loud
Sing it out clear
Christmas is here
Join in the chorus, sing to the baby
Sleeping beneath the stars that He made
Light in the darkness, hope for the hopeless
His love will never fade away
Heaven came down to earth
To bind our wounds, and wipe away our tears
Let us adore Him
Lift up your voices
Sing it out loud
Sing it out clear
Christmas is here
There is a longing in the melody
I feel it every year
Let us adore Him
Lift up your voices
Sing it out loud
Sing it out loud
Sing it out clear
Let us adore Him
Lift up your voices
Sing it out loud
Sing it out clear
Christmas is here
Christmas is here
Writer(s): Geron Davis
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