
I’m Gonna Be Ok

Posted by Judy

This morning while sitting on my back porch, I was reading my Bible and listening to KLRC on the radio. I do this almost every day and it gives me peace and strength to face another day.

I am 13 months sober. Last year on New Year’s Eve I decided I wanted to quit drinking I was on my tenth year anniversary. My health was getting worse and I was just tired of living the way I was mentally and physically. I wanted a fresh start... or an end! I was raised by grandparents and church and religion was a big part of my childhood, so suicide was NOT an option! Back in March of last year our landlord told us he was selling the house and we would have to move. We had 5 dogs and a cat I didn’t know what to do so, I decided on an all-nighter which almost killed me! As I was drinking alone that night I told God, "I’m done! I’m giving you control of my life! I don’t want to live like this anymore."

The last year has been a struggle for sure, but with God all things are possible. Everything I had prayed for and asked God for He has answered... my prayers for my home, finances, health and most of all sobriety. We serve an almighty God! I love the music and when weakness was trying to overtake me God used KLRC to send me the songs I needed to give me encouragement. "The God Who Stays" is one of my favorites.

Thank you so much for all the radio station does!! God bless you all.

I’m Praising God for This

A Heart for Christian Radio

Posted by Angie

I have a neat story about how KLRC ministered to me through a long difficult battle of my mom’s cancer a year and a half ago. (She left earth for her heavenly home 5/7/18) My mom was such a godly woman and gave clear instructions to my brother and I ( that upon her death) to tithe the proceeds that we get from her oil royalties.I chose KLRC as one of the ways to honor her request! She always had a heart for christian radio and was instrumental in getting a station in our small town. So very thankful that I can hear encouraging words/songs/testimonies that start my days off right!

I’m Praising God for This

From Patient to Patient

Posted by Jane

Unfortunately I need to stop my monthly donation. My husband and I both have medical bills this year and I will be out of work for 6-10 weeks due to an upcoming surgery. I am so sorry. I will donate again as soon as possible. I really enjoy your radio station. I am a Hospice RN Case Manager and your music gets me from patient to patient. Thank you so much. And again, I am sorry I need to stop donating as of now. God Bless!!

I’m Praising God for This

The Only Station For Me

Posted by Pam

I want to thank you for your prayers. I listen to you daily for I need to hear so many of the songs you play. My favorite is You Are More by Tenth Avenue North. It changed my life 3 years ago. Before that song I was in a bad place, I was continually suicidal and tried many times to end my life. I even begged God to let me come home. Now I know He kept me here because I have a purpose and I am doing my best to fulfill it. Please allow me to share it for I need prayer for it to happen. I was a battered wife for many years, and my purpose is to build a Ranch for battered women/children and animals… I will never listen to another radio station again. KLRC is definitely the only station for me!

I’m Praising God for This

Never Changed the Station Since

Posted by Charlotte

About ten years ago as I was recovering from an abusive relationship, I listened to that tug on my heart and took KLRC's 30 Day Challenge. I've never changed the station since that day! And I attribute that moment to the one that happened last night as my two girls begged me to listen to "The Blessing" before bed. God is good!!!

I’m Praising God for This

Songs for Everyone

Posted by April

If you are looking for music with depth and meaning, listen to KLRC. The songs they play are not just for people who already believe in Jesus and attend church every week. Some of these songs are for people who have never stepped foot in a church - people with addictions, people who have lost a child, people who have made mistakes and are worried that they are not good enough to be loved. These songs are for people who need to be reminded that there is hope; people who need to know that someone else out there has been through the same thing they are dealing with. And sometimes these are things that people are uncomfortable talking about, but the music just lays it all on the table and allows you to feel what you need to feel.

I’m Praising God for This

Building Up Hope

Posted by Lorrie

KLRC builds up hopes in the good times, reminds me I am never alone when I feel like I don't belong and helps the broken heart to heal and gives courage in those desperate times which I have had many in the last 5 years. It has been a voice in the darkness coming home from the hospitals, loss of loved ones. It doesn't answer questions of "WHY" but the staff and artist help remind us that our savior understands all we go through and we are not alone on this earth, there are others out there that understand, going through the same things and we are family.

I’m Praising God for This

Encouraged in Traffic

Posted by Nichole

Please, friends, support this beautiful expression of God's love for the hurting, the lost and the ones losing their bananas in traffic. I... err... THEY need you to help them through the endless evils of Monday morning traffic. People need Jesus as they sit in the utterly frustrating traffic... some more than others... not me... ok, ME! You may not know the impact your donation is making in the every-day lives of people stuck in traffic. The Positive Difference is a sweet salve of mercy and grace to many throughout NWA. Blessings.

I’m Praising God for This

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